Monday, April 19, 2004


And the answer is Yes !

Several quick things today:
First Chapter: When WebSites Don't Inform Did They Ever ?
Godsend will be on the screen in April, it already has it's official websites.
Godsend - Official Trailer Site
Godsend Institute
The wired article
Godsend - Imdb

Second chapter: Well, This Is Useful
NSIS, Nullsoft Scriptable Install System, took me around ten minutes to pack my first installer/uninstaller. Easy to use, scalable, quick, clean, good. And free of course.

Last but not least, I updated my resume.
It's password (sesame) protected.

And it's really springtime now, rain and sun and rain again, best season for rainbow. (thx babelfish again, I would have remembered though - tomorrow)

Ho, this 'tomorrow' leads me to The day after tomorrow, which itself reminds me of a lot of fuss about this new report on global warming (in french).
I've done some sort of weather-related stuff at uni, what I learned is Gosh, it's f*cking complex, how can I work anything around this problem ? The physics are not really understood, the necessary computation power is huge, and the models just work on very restricted problems. This was 20 month ago.
My point is:
The atmospheric problem is : There is more and more stuff up there, in one hand it's blocking sun rays, but in the other it's keeping the energy inside the atmosphere.
The global problem is : Whatever happens with sun and energy and temperatures, the first modifications will take place in the ocean, which is wide, and unknown, try to find the temperature anywhere in mid-pacific, in the middle of the ocean far from any island.

Btw, a good book (scifi) on tomorrow's problems : Mother of Storms (John Barnes)

Well, I guess that's all for today.
Cya world.

Ps: Almost forgot to link .kkrieger, the 96kb game. Well, it's awfully slow on my 1.8Ghz-almost-state-of-the-art-gaming-platform, on which ut2004 is running smooth, but, well, it's... r00ts !

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