Wednesday, December 17, 2003


Two things:

First: I've decided to shift my position on the internet, refresh some old websites, delete the very old ones, and merge my identities back in the first one.
Which is Kyrlian, my friends call me kyr.
ryk obviously comes from there.
I'm writing different type of things, novels, blog, whatever, so at first I wanted to keep the styles separated, and used different - even if similar - names.
Now I'm quite settled, I now I'll continue to blog, even if not at the same rythm, I'll continue to write, so it's time to get that together.
To be honest, it won't change nothing for you, except this post will be signed kyr. (and all the previous posts as well, as blogger will republish everything with the new nick)

Second: Tonight I was Santa Clauss. At work, I'm the only guy with no children (except for the boss, who wouldn't do Santa Clauss anyway), thus I was the one with the red costume and the backpack full of gifts, coming in the meeting room where the children where eating christmas cake, and shouting HOHOHO, Merry Christmas (which goes 'Joyeux Noel' in the original version). Well, that was a first time.

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